About me
Hello stalker! Welcome to my blog, I'm Bella and I'm inspirit. Please do not copy anything at the blog. Thank you. xoxo Monster Talk
Mama Stuff
Basecode by Yasmin/Yacemin. Header by Aina Najihah Re-dit by Bella #2
Hye , perghh ! hari nie aku penat sangad-2 sebab baru jea habis update blog aku . Akhirnya siap jugak . Btw ade lg blog yg ak kena update . Sosorry yg sape suruh aku edit dye puye blog . Insyaallah , esok aku buat . Maybe esok aku free . Kalau ak edyt sekarang jd buruk pulak . Tgk sekrg da pukul berapa dah . 6:52 p.m. Da nak berbuka da , mandi pown x lagi . Da berapa jam aku duduk depan pc nie , sakit mata dibuatnya . haha . Okay lha that's all 4 today . Wait my new post tomorrow . Ada banyak cerita nie . Bubye ^^0 comment[s] | back to topWho's that ? “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert EinsteinI have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent. - Marilyn Monroe #2 8.04.2011 - Permalink - 0 Comments Hye , perghh ! hari nie aku penat sangad-2 sebab baru jea habis update blog aku . Akhirnya siap jugak . Btw ade lg blog yg ak kena update . Sosorry yg sape suruh aku edit dye puye blog . Insyaallah , esok aku buat . Maybe esok aku free . Kalau ak edyt sekarang jd buruk pulak . Tgk sekrg da pukul berapa dah . 6:52 p.m. Da nak berbuka da , mandi pown x lagi . Da berapa jam aku duduk depan pc nie , sakit mata dibuatnya . haha . Okay lha that's all 4 today . Wait my new post tomorrow . Ada banyak cerita nie . Bubye ^^